
Our goal is to make learning fun! We work hard to help our students love school and be excited for kindergarten. At Mother Goose Preschool, your child will play educational games, learn basic reading skills, watch caterpillars turn into butterflies, learn sign language, and develop essential social skills. According to articles such as https://bestplaygroundmarkings.co.uk/the-social-benefits-of-playgrounds/, well-constructed playgrounds can help teach early learning concepts in a fresh and interactive way. For safe markings, you can check out https://bs-en-1177-specialists.co.uk/.

Monthly Calendar

We will email a monthly calendar to you as well as sending one home with your student. (Here is a sample calendar: Calendar Sample.) The calendar has visual elements so the children can keep track of what we are doing each day. This is great for review and anticipation. They also can begin reading calendars and understanding the passage of time. I will include all information such as: what letter we are learning about, show and tell, lollipop icon for returning the Lending Library books, “Let’s Find Out” series, the snack schedule, field trip information, and other special events that will be going on that month.

We follow the Alpine School District Calendar with a couple exceptions. https://alpineschools.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/2022%E2%80%932023-Calendar.pdf

On the first day of school, we have Show and Tell
Please help them find something for show and tell for the first day of school that is the same shape as theirs. They will bring that to school and we will have them share it during circle time.

Class times
The MWF morning class will be 9:00am – 11:30am. The MWF afternoon class will be 11:45am – 2:15pm. The 3 year old T/Th morning class will be 9:00 – 11:30. The 3 year old T/Th afternoon class will be 11:45am – 2:15pm. Please be on time. Our first activity will be only 15 – 20 minutes and this is table activities that reinforce very important skills. We also have key stage 1 playground markings where children can enjoy a range of physical activities while playing.

School Bags

I will be passing these bags out during our open house. It is very important that your child bring his/her school bag each day to carry home their work as well as their take home reading for the 4 year old classes and their crafts and beautiful art work. The bag will have your child’s name as well as his/her assigned shape. I use these every day for name and shape recognition.

Please find time to view their work and share in the things they have learned. Take notice as they show improvement in their skill building activities. Displaying their papers shows that you value their hard work. You may want to provide a box for your child to keep his/her best work in at home. Someday samples of your children’s first schoolwork will mean a lot to you and them! Remember a child’s play, is their work!

Please do not launder the bag, as this will ruin them. If the bag becomes lost or ruined, you will need to pay a replacement fee (see Tuition page).

Please leave all toys and candy at home. They are impossible to keep track of at school.

Snack Bag

One of the children’s favorite things to do is bring the snack or part of the snack. In the calendar that is sent home, I include the date that your child will be assigned the snack bucket. Sometimes the snack will be a special addition to our curriculum and the specific item is listed on the calendar. Your child will bring home a small bucket. It is so cute the way the children always say during the class, “I wonder when it is my turn to bring the snack”. This teaches them responsibility as well as gratitude and manners. We always say thank you for bringing the treat and it was so delicious! Sometimes all the children spontaneously give the snack bringer a big hug.

Healthy Snacks
This is so important for little ones. They make habits that stay with them their whole life. Please check that in the ingredients there are no listings for High Fructose Corn Syrup. This ingredient is sometimes hidden in the 3rd line and often split between tthe 3rd and 4th line.

Please do not bring candy unless it is a special birthday gift to be taken home. Please include whole grain crackers. You may include cheese sticks. You may also send whole grain bread with meat and cheese. They usually only eat 1/4 to 1/2 sandwich. These are just a few suggestions. I will send a list of ideas in the bag. Please leave the list in the bag.


Please have all your children’s coats labeled, in case they are misplaced. You can easily do this with a permanent marker on the tags. If anything becomes lost, I will have it by the white board.

We have the children remove their shoes for school. This is for safety of little fingers as well as projects on the floor. This also helps them learn to put their shoes on correctly. We work on putting each shoe on the correct foot. We also utilize this time to teach the older classes how to tie their shoes. We have found this to be a wonderful step in independence and motor skill development!

Arrival, Drop off, and Pick Up

Please have your child to school on time so they won’t miss out on our first activity. If your child will be absent, please contact us ahead of time, so we do not worry about them. Please pull up to the curb and remember that entering the driveway is too dangerous. I usually close the garage door 5 – 10 minutes after school start time. If you are late, please come through the gate and then through the side garage door. We have the children place their shoes on their shape on the carpet then come in and place coats in the basket. Again, please try to have your child to school on time. We do some important skill-building activities at the beginning of class.

Pick up process
Please pick up your child promptly. This is so important for them. We give a 5 minute grace period for pick up but at 6 minutes, I begin charging $1.00 per minute. I open the garage door at the dismissal time. They remain in the garage until you are out of your car and arrive at or near the driveway. For safety reasons, please remember to pull up to the curb and not enter the driveway.

Field Trips

All field trips will be noted in the monthly newsletter and on “The White Board.” Parents may be asked to help drive. Obviously, cars must have working seat belts. Young children should not ride in the front seat if your car is equipped with air bags. Please make sure that you bring your child’s car seat and plug it into the assigned car that day. This way you will know that the car seat has been properly installed.

About a week before each field trip, an email will be sent with specific instructions and sign up information.


We will be celebrating birthdays on the closest school day to each child’s birthday. Summer birthdays will be celebrated on their ½ birthday so they can celebrate during the school year. Won’t it be fun to have 2 birthdays?

Birthday binder
Please prepare an 8.5 x 11 scrapbook page about your child for the binder. You can include some pictures of family, pets, favorite activity, etc. You may include a drawing done by them. Please include any fun facts such as favorite color, book, and flavor of ice cream to give you just a couple of examples.

Please bring this with you at our schools open house the last week of August. We will put these together to have ready for our September birthday boys and girls. When your child has their birthday, they get to take this binder home and enjoy looking through it and sharing it with your family.

Bring it back to school the next school day. It would be devastating to lose these, so please be careful.

When your child has their birthday you may bring a treat for them to send home with your child’s name on it or one to share at school.

Please remember that I am always here and would love to answer your questions or talk about special needs or concerns. I am very open and would always welcome your input. Remember, we are a team! I want us to be able to work together so the children have the best possible experience. My goals for your child are not only academic. I want to help your child become well rounded in all aspects of socialization; academics and most of all to have them feel that they are wonderful and can achieve anything. I look forward to getting to know you and teaming up for a great preschool experience.

Thank you,
Karen Daniels